MCM301 Current FinalTerm Paper 25 Feb 2017

MCM301 Current FinalTerm Paper 25 Feb 2017

MCM301 Current FinalTerm Paper 25 Feb 2017
MCM301 Current FinalTerm Paper 25 Feb 2017

(MCM301 PAPER 2.25.17 )

1) What is interpersonal communication? Explain with example (3marks)

2) Why communication is important? Discuss (3marks)

3) What factors are important to achieve balance between logical appeal and emotional appeal? (3marks)

4) What are the body elements of resume and describe in detail? (5 marks)

5) Effective written communication? 1 question from this topic? (3mrks)

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#MCM301 FinalTerm
What are periodicals?
Limitation of using flip charts as visual aid to an oral presentation?
What do you know about vivid, image building words in order to achieve correctness in writing?
How we make bad news massage effective?
What factors are important to achieve balance between logical and emotional appeal?
In more structured setting, with large audience, or with limited time frame, it is customary to defer audience comments and questions, discuss?
What are good news latter’s and their types?
To persuade a skeptical hostel audience, you have to gain credibility, discuss ways that can be adopt to achieve?
