Exam Tips For VU Students

Exam Tips For Vu students

Exam Tips For VU Students

1. Be relaxed and take patience on exam day. 

2. Arrive at Exam Centre before 20 minutes. 

3. Remember: After 15 minutes of examination started you will not able to login into examination system. It gives you error (After this you will reschedule your paper)

4. If Mouse, Keyboard and LCD are not functioning properly, tell immediately to exam superintendent to place them.

 5. Cooperate with Exam Superintendent. 

6. If you need rough paper, asked Exam Superintendent to give. 

7. If you need water to drink, asked exam superintendent to provide. 

8. Try to solve first Descriptive Section then MCQs.

 9. Those question who know you first (MCQs/Descriptive) solve them immediately. 

10. Remember: Sometimes you will get answer of MCQs from Descriptive section or Answer of Descriptive Section from MCQs. It's depending upon your ability how you know this. 

11. In descriptive section do not write paragraph, write exact answer 2 to 3, 4 lines only, as required by question.

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