CS408 Current FinalTerm Paper 25 Feb 2017

CS408 Current FinalTerm Paper 25 Feb 2017

CS408 Current FinalTerm Paper 25 Feb 2017
CS408 Current FinalTerm Paper 25 Feb 2017

Today my CS-408 paper • 

40 MCQz all from handouts n from past papers – easy 

• 12 Subjective also from handouts – easy

 1. What appropriate way for user of both transient and sovereign applications? (Ans: memory)  (2) 

2. Problems of excise tast? (2)

 3. Identify the usability technique? (2) 

4. Two arguments in the favor of software application implemented? (2) 

5. Relationship b/w needs and requirements? (3) 

6. Metadata and its purpose? (3) 

7. Software anticipate needs? (3) 

8. Limitation od single undo? (5)

9. Characteristics of usability testing? (5) 

10. Construct context effective scenario? (5) 

11. Interaction b/w the user and pc? (5) BEST OF LUCK 

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