Prime Minister’s National Laptop Scheme (Phase – II), 2nd and Final Merit List of MS/M.Phil./ MBA Progarms (Eq. to MS).

Prime Minister’s National Laptop Scheme (Phase – II), 2nd and Final Merit List of MS/M.Phil./ MBA Progarms (Eq. to MS).

Published On:  Wednesday, December 21, 2016
2nd & Final Merit List of Students of MS/ M. Phil & MBA (3.5 Year & Equivalent to MS)
Prime Minister’s National Laptop Scheme (Phase – II)
Rules and Basic Merit Criteria for Students of MBA (3.5 Year & Equivalent to MS)/ MS & M.Phil.
  1. Only those VU students shall be included/ considered in the merit list who have successfully submitted their applications on HEC’s PMNLS on-line portal and their data has been verified by the respective Departmental Focal Persons of the University.
2.     Students enrolled up to Spring 2015 Semester only shall be eligible for Phase-II of PMNLS scheme. (For details about other batches, please see announcement published on VULMS dated 10th November 2015).
3.     Minimum eligibility criteria for including the name in the merit list is based on minimum number of credit hours earned and minimum Quality Points (QPs) achieved by the student as prescribed for each batch and the semester number in the respective table below.
Note:  Minimum Quality Points (QPs) = Minimum no. of Credit Hours Earned minimum CGPA required to qualify for the respective degree program
4.     Merit shall be calculated on the basis of sum of Quality Points (QPs) achieved for total number of credit hours earned by the student in his/her batch and semester number, accordingly i.e. Sum of QPs achieved in the order of merit (highest to lowest) wherein Sum of QPs = CGPA x Sum of Cr. Hrs. Earned.
5.     Laptops shall be awarded to the successful students in the order to merit based on their QPs.
MBA/ MS/ M.Phil. (17.5/ 18 Years of Education)
 a)      MSCS Program (2-Year) Only
Semester No.Batch IDMinimum
Credit Hours Earned
Minimum Quality Points (QPs)Quota
(% age)
1MS150237.50100All candidates who fulfill the minimum prescribed criteria are eligible.
Note: No admissions in 1402.

b)     MSBA/ MBA - Eq. to MS (30 Cr. Hrs.), MS – Bioinformatics & M.Phil. Education (ELM) Program (2-Year) Only
Semester No.Batch IDMinimum
Credit Hours Earned
Minimum Quality Points (QPs)Quota
(% age)
All candidates who fulfill the minimum prescribed criteria are eligible.
1MS 150237.50100
2MI 1404615.00
c)      MSBA/ MBA - Eq. to MS (37 Cr. Hrs.) Program (1 ½ -Year) Only
Semester No.Batch IDMinimum
Credit Hours Earned
Minimum Quality Points (QPs)Quota
(% age)
All candidates who fulfill the minimum prescribed criteria are eligible.
d)     MBA Program (3 ½ -Year) Only
Semester No.Batch IDMinimum
Credit Hours Earned
Minimum Quality Points (QPs)Quota
(% age)
All candidates who fulfill the minimum prescribed criteria are eligible.
 Special Notes:
  1. Students registered with VU as “Disabled” who fulfill the “Semester No.”, “Batch ID” and “Minimum Credit Hours Earned” criteria shall be eligible, for the award of laptop, out of merit of their respective study program.
  2. Those students who have frozen their semester(s) but fulfill the criteria of minimum limit set for “Credit Hours Earned” and “QPs” prescribed according to the “Batch ID” of their respective study program shall be eligible for including in the merit list, in the order of merit.
  3. Those students who have either converted or changed their study program(s) but fulfill the above eligibility criteria set for of respective new study program, according to semester number after conversion shall be considered in the order of merit, accordingly. Credit hour(s) exempted/ transferred shall not be counted towards earned credit hours for the purpose of merit calculation.
  4. Those students who have either dropped-out or withdrawn from the University till 30-06-2015, shall not be eligible for this scheme.
  5. VU employees registered as student in any of the study program shall not be eligible for this scheme.
  6. Students who completed their respective degree requirements and graduated in spring 2015 semester shall be considered eligible.
  7. Students having “Overseas” status i.e. “OPKST” as on 30-06-2015 shall not be eligible for this scheme.
  8. Credit hours earned for “Deficiency Course(s)” shall not be counted towards “Minimum Credit Hours Earned”.
  9. In a case of tie between two or more students on merit, then the matter will be resolved on the basis of age, wherein preference shall be given to the younger student.
Full NameDepartmentVU Enrollment No
Aasma Haroon Al RasheedDepartment of Management Sciences012-vu-007526
Adeel AhmedDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-000125
Adil JamilDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002952
Adnan SiddiqueDepartment of Management Sciences012-vu-002343
Ahasn AliDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-000849
Ahsan HafeezDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002062
Aiza WajidDepartment of Management Sciences013-VU-007240
Ali IlyasDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-000193
Amber TariqDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-006747
Ammad AzharDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-007353
Amna Abd-Ur-RehmanDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-000655
Anam ZakirDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002265
Aneesa RazzaqDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002220
Asif FarooqDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-005676
Asma MasoodDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002490
Atif YounusDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-001667
Attiya ZainibDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-001442
Ayesha AminDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-006820
Ayesha MukhtarDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-006326
Bilal AhmadDepartment of Management Sciences014-VU-005796
Bilal AzmatDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-005744
Faizan SaeedDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-000872
Farah HafeezeDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-000970
Gulzara TariqDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-001099
Hafiz Taseer AhmedDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002358
Hafiza Sumaira KanwalDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-003356
Hamayun ZubairDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002067
Hammad HassanDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-003845
Humaira AslamDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-004873
Iftikhar AhmadDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-016647
Imran AliDepartment of Management Sciences012-vu-002879
Iqra KhursheedDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002464
Javeria KousarDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002610
Kashif AdnanDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002154
Khawaja Azhar MateenDepartment of Computer Science & IT014-VU-012091
Khuram NawazDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-005226
komal khanDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002612
Komal QaiserDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-003341
Maha SaleemDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002945
Maryam SaddiqaDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-001572
Muhammad Ahsan Ullah FarooqiDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-005246
Muhammad AliDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-003552
Muhammad Atif SubhaniDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-005356
Muhammad BilalDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-000467
Muhammad ImranDepartment of Management Sciences012-vu-007350
Muhammad KashifDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-005818
Muhammad NadeemDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-004383
Muhammad SalmanDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-004858
Muhammad Shaharyar KhalidDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-004878
Muhammad ShahrukhDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-001208
Muhammad ShahzadDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-001488
Muhammad ShahzadDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-000037
Muhammad ShakeelDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-003416
Muhammad Tahir MobeenDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-011355
Muhammad WaqasDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-003554
Muhammad ZeeshanDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002906
Muneeba ZulfiqarDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-003408
Muqaddas AshfaqDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-001436
Nabeeha SajidDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002155
Nazia JabeenDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-005498
Nazish UroojDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-003371
Qurrat Ul AinDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-004852
Rai Sohaib AmjadDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-006235
Rashid AhmedDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-005975
Rashid MukhtarDepartment of Management Sciences012-vu-000856
Rehan KashifDepartment of Management Sciences014-VU-000381
Rubina GulzarDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-000672
Saadia MuradDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-004210
Saba AkhtarDepartment of Computer Science & IT014-VU-012441
Saba KhanDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-004556
Sadia SabirDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002496
Samrah SarwerDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-006016
Saqib ShahidDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-001129
Sara MasoodDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-001427
Shahid NawazDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-004863
Shaista KazmiDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-005661
Sidra ArshadDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-004844
Sohaib Rehman KhanDepartment of Management Sciences013-VU-007725
Sundus AyazDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-004399
Syed Hussnain AhmedDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-004054
Syed Muhammad JunaidDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-000139
Tabinda SaeedDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-006744
Tahreem ShakerDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-006948
Wajahat Shakeel SapraDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-000877
Waqar NoorDepartment of Management Sciences009-VU-006829
Waqar RehmatDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-004622
Waqas ArifDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-001207
Zainab AfzalDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002949
Zeeshan AhmadDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002238
Zia Ur RehmanDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-003654
Zohaib RafiqueDepartment of Management Sciences012-VU-002357

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