CS614 Midterm Current Paper 21 dec 2016

CS614 Midterm Current Paper 21 dec 2016

CS614 Midterm Current Paper 21 dec 2016
CS614 Midterm Current Paper

Here is my CS614 Midterm Paper Fall 2016
By Juste

19 Mcqs came from past papers. They came from moaaz, dr tariq hanif and recent 1 to 3 years .doc files. Mcqs were easy and conceptual.

Subjective questions few from past papers, pardon me for exact wording:

What is realistic data quality? (2 marks)

Why historical data is so important in OLTP? (2 marks)

Write any three Queries differences between OLTP and DWH? (3 marks)

A table was given had to de-normalize it campus wise (with 3 columns, 6 rows). (3 marks) Student_ID, City, Campus_ID (3x columns)

Identify the given statement as correct or incorrect and justify your answer in either case: (5 marks) "If defects are found in the process of attribute domain validation then it is better to fix the error in DWH and leave the data source as it is?"

Identify the types of transformations used for the following two scenarios. (5 marks) One data element form the source system is mapped to several columns in the DWH. One set of values is mapped to another set of values using straightforward rules.

That's all folks. Best of luck

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