Business Communication ENG 301
Fall 2016
Assignment No. 1
Total Marks: 20
Lessons: 1-7
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Type of non-verbal communication:
Ms. Salma works in a multinational organization. In her organization, some foreigners also work. Salma finds them very professional and easy to work with. There is, however, one problem that Salma faces: the frequent eye contact of John and Watson while communicating
Many families have the personal opinion that shopping at Metro is beneficial as they get a few items absolutely free with wholesale shopping. This personal opinion is backed by the past experience of the families who frequently visit this place. The idea is still quite unique for some people who always go for retail shopping at their local shops and have to pay for everything they buy. This, for them, is a discovery: one they are very happy with. But nevertheless their personal opinion keeps wavering and because occasionally they are still indecisive as to whether they should shop at Metro or the local shops, sometimes they still go out shopping at the latter. For the regular Metro shoppers, the discount and some absolutely free goodies are adequate enough reason.
Q1. a) Define non-verbal communication. (2 Marks)
b) Some situations are given below. Read them carefully; identify, and define the type of non-verbal communication they imply. (4* 2= 8 Marks)
Situation No. 1: (1+3=4 Marks)
Aleena and Sara are buddies at work but there is one issue Aleena faces: Sara’s habit of talking while working. Aleena likes to work in complete silence so she is greatly disturbed when Sara keeps talking with her while working. She wishes for Sara to work silently.
Situation No. 2: (1+3=4 Marks)
with her. Being a Pakistani, she is not very comfortable with the eye contact of her English colleagues.
Type of non-verbal communication:
Q2. It is important to avoid repetitive words in good communication. Read the following paragraph and rewrite it after removing the redundant expressions. (1*10=10 Marks)