CS604 Current FinalTerm Paper 26 August 2016

CS604 Current FinalTerm Paper 26 August 2016

 The high paging activity is called _______ Thrashing  _________ contains the names of other files and/or directories.  Duplicating Files directory  ________ scheme works well if members of the team are to work on these shared files sequentially. Three  UNIX recognizes ______ modes of access Three  The______ algorithm selects the request with the minimum seek time from the current head position Sstf  The systems that control scientific experiments, medical imaging systems, industrial control systems and certain display systems are examples of ………………….. systems. Real time system  ________ is used to store data on secondary storage device.  _______ is a way to establish a connection between the file to be shared and the directory entries of the users who want to have access to this file.  ____________ command is used to change the directory.  Using _________system call, we can create a new process in Unix.  “Only one process may use a resource at a time” best describes which one of the following?( Circular wait )  In one of the deadlock prevention methods, impose a total ordering of all resource types, and require that each process requests resources in an increasing order of enumeration. This violates the _______________condition of deadlock  Command-line interpreter is also called __________ in some operating systems.  ___________ is the time taken for the dispatcher to stop one process and start another process.  While using ______, it is experienced that ready queue is partitioned into separate queues.  Address Binding will be performed at _______ in Multiprogramming with Fixed Tasks (MFT)  In ______ scheme, free frames are equally divided among processes.  When a process needs to execute, memory is requested by the process. The size of the process is compared with the amount of adjacent memory available to execute the process. This method is called ________.  The section of code implementing the request that each process must first request permission to enter its critical section is called the ------------- .
 A ----------system collects physically separate, possibly heterogeneous, systems into a single coherent system, providing the user with access to the various resources that the system maintains  The syntax for input redirection is
 The integer value of ______________ semaphores can range over an unrestricted integer domain.  With ----------you use condition variables.  A set of processes are said to be in -------------- condition if each process in the set is waiting for an event that only another process in the set can cause (including itself).  Deadlock --------- allow all deadlock conditions, but calculate cycles about to happen and stop dangerous operations.  The segment table maps the _________________ to physical addresses.  In paged segmentation, the logical address is legal if d is _________segment length.  Following is NOT true about Virtual memory.( Virtual memory makes the processes to stuck when the collective size of all the processes becomes greater than the size of main memory.)  __________is a variation of fork system call in several Unix operating system used for Virtual Memory.  The collection of processes,waiting on the disk to be brought into the memory for execution, forms the____________.  ---------------keeps in memory only those instructions and data that are needed at any given time.  Assume a logical address space of 16 pages of 1024 words, each mapped into a physical memory of 32 frames. Each word consists of 2 bytes. What will be the total number of bits required for p (page number)?  Each page is a power of -------- bytes long in paging scheme.  The most important property of the working set is its ________.  A modification of free-list approach in free space managment is to store the addresses of n free blocks in the first  free block is known as ______ .  __________________ is a software based solution to the synchronization problem.  A semaphore that cause Busy-Waiting is termed as ___________.  ________ main problems arise due to wrong/ incorrect sequence of wait and signal operations in semaphores. 2Marks  Write the names of two commonly used methods for file space allocation  Assume a logical address space of 16 pages of 1024 words, each page is mapped into a physical memory of 64 frames and each word consists of 2 bytes. You are required to calculate total number of bits required for f (frame number).  What is the condition when we can say if there is a cycle in Resource Allocation Graph and set of processes may or may not be in Deadlock state?  Which term is best suited for a situation in which a process is in its critical section, any other process that tries to enter its critical section must loop continuously in the entry code? 3 Marks  Out of MFT and MVT which one do you think is best suitable for a situation in which job can be moved i.e. might be swapped back in a different place and which one is best suitable to waste space inside a block?  If it is not possible to find a safe sequence after running the safety algorithm for a requesting process then what does it means? Should the request for that process be fulfilled? If yes, then how? If not then justify it.  Does pre-paging help to control the trashing? Justify your answer with solid argument.  Write a function that can swap two variables? 5 Marks  Consider the following table for 2 resources and 4 processes. Identify whether system is in safe state or not? If yes then determine the safe sequence from given information and if not then give proper reason to support your answer. Current Allocation Max Available Need A B A B A B A B P0 2 0 2 4 2 7 0 4 P1 3 2 9 2 6 0 P2 1 1 4 1 3 0 P3 1 2 6 4 5 2  Consider a scenario of demand paging system with the following utilizations: A. CPU = 10 % B. Paging disk = 95% C. Other I/O devices = 3%
You are required to identify the situation of system by considering the above parameters and which of the following parameter will contribute to improve CPU utilization? Justify them. .
1. Install a faster CPU 2. Introduce page replacement algorithms 3. Increase degree of multiprogramming 4. Increase hard disk storage 5. Decrease degree of multiprogramming 6. Install more main memory  The maximum number of pages in process address space is one million and the total address size (p +d ) of process address space is 32- bit with page size is 4096 bytes. Calculate the number of bits required for page number (p) and the number of bits required for offset (d)?  Critical section problem have different hardware and software based solution. You have to write an algorithm that shares two variables among processes.

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