ZOO502 Current FinalTerm Paper 18 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |
zoo502 mine ppr
dffrnc bt epinephrine r nonepinphrn
sensory adptation example
-vefeedback with example
5endocrine gland secreted via gastrointestinal track
function of t3 & 4 long
hormone involves in water r ion regulation
18.2.18 4;30pm
Feedback Mechanism (2)
Acclimization with example (2)
Adrenal cortex hormone (3)
Negative feedback Mechanism example(3)
Parts of eye take part in focusing (3)
Taste buds (5)
Exocrine hormones with example (5)
Prostaglandins function (10)
Easy tha paper MCQS mostly from mid.
Function of prostaglandon (10)
exocrine glad.2 example (5)
define range factionation? ,Importance ,two examples (5)
Brief note on axons (5)
Name at least three endocrine glands produce by anterior of pituitary? (3)
what are photoreceptors? (3)
Briefly describe Hodgkin cycle. (3)
What are chromaffin cells? (2)
At which part of body thermoreceptors are located? (2)
Who firstly coined the term homeostasis? Also define homeostasis? (2)
ZOO502 Current FinalTerm Paper 18 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |
Sunday, 18 February 2018