PAK301 Current FinalTerm Paper 18 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |
Total Q:52
Total Q:52
1: what system pakistan has?
2: Who created name pakistan?
3:when sir syed ahmed khan born?
4:which country is not member of ECO?
5: who accepted existence of pakistan?
6:what task was assigned to (shahabudeen commission)?
7:when joint electorate was adopted?
8:when did Allama iqbal address at allah abad ?
9:who was second governor general of pakistan?
10:when did Muhammad ali bogra become prime minister ?
(Just these mcqs are in my mind )
Subjective Q:
1: Write georagrafic of pakistan
2: Nuclear policy of pakistan
3 land reform in pakistan
4: defination of constitution
5: note on Alkalis?
6: pakistan;s relationship in any five muslim country?
- Why Simmon commission failed?
- How can we improve enrollment of children in schools?
- How can you explain the diversity of nature in Pakistan territory?
- Statement of Allama Iqbal in Allahabad Address
- On what charges Benazir Bhutto was dismissed
- Points on provincial government under the Constitution of 1962
- Important of Objectives Resolution
- Main features of Bogra formula
- What do you know about the textile industry of Pakistan?