ECO401 Current FinalTerm Paper 17 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |

ECO401 Current FinalTerm Paper 17 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |

Eco401 total 36qstn
24mcqs 6 (3mrks)qstn 6(5 mrks)qstn
Diffrnce btw AR and MR, difference btw devaluation and revaluation, calculate K from MPS , dfrnc btw disguised and underemplymnt ,

Calculate Average real GDB growth rate from real GDP growth rate(5)

Calculate MPS from cnsmptn and dspsbl income(5) 

How classical theory explain unemployment how to solv it

Calculate Q from M,V AND P from QTM and P from Q M V in QTM

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