CS601 Current FinalTerm Paper 19 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |
#Cs601 today's paper
1)Suppose you are a network executive and want to evaluate the effectiveness of network,then write the list of basic parameter that will consider for this purpose.
2) E lines or voice channel k bry m tha
3) different coaxial cable designed categories by Radio GOvernmnt (RG) rating is k bry m btna tha
4)sub categories of sliding window ARQ.
5)Data rate , segment length , or types of signlign in ko define krna tha
6) Name the essintial components of data communication system
7) 0dd parity bit ka btana tha table diya hua tjha in ko thk krna tha
8)frecuancy range k bry m table tha us ko match krna tha.
Mcqs easy thy kch past paper m sy thy bqi book m sy thy.
almost all mcqs were from past p. moaz file
short nd long were:
1:sum nd checksum find out
2: find sampling rate with unit
3: match E_Lines to coresspond table
4: 56k modem upload nd download rate
HDLC control information
6: Essential Components for data communication
7: Find LRC bit
8: UTP categories
9: E۔lines Table
10: implementation of Ethernet gigabyte for a saim electronic company