BT201 Current FinalTerm Paper 18 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |
paper of BT201
Total Q 45 (77 marks)
Total Q 45 (77 marks)
34 mcqs
3 short Q 2 marks
1. What intermediate hypothesis suggests?
2. What is optimal theory?
3. Write four resons behind the fossils history uncomplete?
4 short Q 3 marks
1. Specie richness and diversity richness?
2. How the exicot predetrs distrub the food web?
3. Evoloitnry history of human?
4. What is hybrd weinberg principle?
Long Q 4
How mustulim took place and write human mulusim wth other species 10 marks
Why Lallys theory failed explain 5 marks
Write phyla of ameboid protozon and write mode of locomotion? 5 marks
Write significance of genetic life tree? 5 marks