ZOO502 Midterm Current Paper 18 Dec 2017

ZOO502 Midterm Current Paper 18 Dec 2017

Zoo 502

1- Effects of G linked proteins-3

2- 5 themes of physiology-2

3- Negative feed back mechanism-5

4- briefly discuss AP phases-5

5- what are Nissl s bodies- 2

6- What is Neural integration . name it's types -3

Another Paper

14-12-2017 Time : 4 :00 PM

Q 1: Give example of acclimatization along with effects ? 2 marks

Q 2: Describe mode of action of neurotransmitter briefly ? 2 marks

Q 3: Write the components of mechanism of homeostasis ? Give example 3 marks 

Q 4: Describe Hodgkin's cycle ? 3 marks

Q 5: Give two examples of Negative feedback mechanism ? 5 marks

Q 6: Describe Axon briefly ? 5 marks
My whole Paper is repeated

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