CS504 Midterm Current Paper 12 Dec 2017

CS504 Midterm Current Paper 12 Dec 2017
CS504 Midterm Current Paper 12 Dec 2017
Current CS504 Midterm Paper Fall 2017
Total Questions = 23
MCQ’s = 18
Short Questions = 2
Long Questions = 3
Total Marks = 39
No MCQ’s were from past papers.
10% MCQ’s were from handouts.
90% were conceptual.
They were really difficult.
(Short Questions)
Q19. From the sequence diagram. What notations are used for the following (3 marks)
Synchronous message
Asynchronous message
Q20. Name at least three daily used systems in which software is used? (3 marks)
(Long Questions)
Q21. Suppose you are eliciting a software requirement document and you realize a conflict between the estimated “cost” of the software and the required “Efficiency”. Now from your point of view, what you will do in this situation? (5 marks)
Q22. Identify how well-engineered software is better than bad-engineered software?
(5 marks)
Q23. In textual analysis we analyze the text to identify the classes, objects and relationships among objects and classes. What are the meanings of these terms in textual analysis? (5 marks)
1. Proper Noun
2. Improper Noun
3. Being Verb
4. Having Verb

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