CS411 Assignment No. 02 Fall 2017 Discussion + Solution

Visual Programing (CS411)
Assignment#02 (GRADED)
  Total marks = 20
                                                                                       Deadline Date = 30-11-2017
Please carefully read all the instructions carefully before attempting the assignment.

Problem Statement:
You are required to create a WPF application which will take Student’s data as input and save it in xml file, title must be your VU ID:
Three Text Boxes:
Your application will have 3 textboxes for input fields along with labels:

1. Name

2. Student ID

3. Password

Two Buttons 

1. Save (This button will save data into XML file)
2. Reset (This button will reset all the textboxes)

And a final label for success note.

Clicking Save button will save the data of text boxes into xml file, the file name of .xml file will be your VU ID.xml, for example if your VUID is bc150401234 then file name must be bc150401234.xml.
Please Note that new record must be inserted after existing records if any record exists in the file. Below is the xml file template (this is just example you can change xml file format according to requirements)

<data id=”bc150201234” name=”Bilal Umar” password=”123456” />
<data id=”bc160204512” name=”Muhammad Tahir” password=”abcdefgh” />


Write your own VU id and Name in the application name and id fields while creating .gif file, otherwise your assignment will not be accepted.
Output.gif has been attached with this Assignment file please observe this file carefully your program’s output must be like this output file.

Submission details
Following Files Must be submitted in a single zip or rar file.
·         .C# code file
·         .XAML File (Front End file)
·         .XML  Data file (named as your (VU ID).xml)
·         A .gif file which shows working of your Application(For Recording .gif a software named Screentogif is uploaded on LMS, or you can use any other gif recording tool as well)
You are not required to submit the complete project, only copy these three files from project folder. Please note if you submit doc file you will be awarded 0 marks.

If you do not submit any of the above mentioned file 25% marks per file will be deducted.


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