Prime Minister's Youth Training Scheme Phase 2 Registration is open | Apply Now Last Date 5-11-2017 |
PMYTS Helpline: 0331 1001000 
Prime Minister's Youth Training Scheme
Registered Online :
Brief Description
Aimed at training the educated youth of Pakistan through internship in private and public sector offices.
Eligibility Criteria
- 16 years HEC recognized degree or equivalent.
- Diploma of 3 years after Matric / FSc.
- Madrassah graduates are also entitled to apply.
- 50% of marks or 2.5 CGPA in final degree/diploma is the minimum threshold for selection of interns.
- Age limit is upto 25 years on 28-02-2017.
- Pakistani National.
- There is no gender discrimination female candidates will be encouraged to apply.
Geographical Spread
All over Pakistan
Rs.12,000 per month for 12 months
Number of Interns
Training Programme
Focal points in each private and public office will be responsible for ensuring effective use of the internees' services
Areas of Training
All leading private sector firms/bodies and development sector organizations, federal, provincial and local government offices including educational institutions will be offered services of the internees
Allocation of Interns
Primarily, the allocation of interns will be made in accordance with the NFC award and FPSC's recruitment criteria for provincial/regional quotas for all three years. The selection of Interns will be as per their domicile but can be placed in originations outside of their domicile region based on the demand profile and matching of applicant profile. Per year allocation of interns is as under
Province | Quota | Total Batch-I & II | Total Batch-III | Total Placement |
Punjab | 25000 | 15671 | 9282 | 24953 |
Sindh | 9500 | 4976 | 4350 | 9326 |
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | 5750 | 4212 | 1698 | 5910 |
Balochistan | 3000 | 1365 | 1745 | 3110 |
GB/FATA/ICT | 5750 | 2523 | 2760 | 5283 |
Azad jammu and Kashmir (AJK) | 1000 | 544 | 511 | 1055 |
Total | 50000 | 29291 | 20346 | 49637 |