MGT111 Current FinalTerm Paper 16 August 2017
MGT111 Final Term Paper
Date & Timing: 16-08-2017 11:00 to 1:00
Total Questions 50
MCQs 40
Five question in three marks & five questions in five marks
Q1. National finance commission 3 Marks
Q2. Public finance 3 Marks
Q3 Why training important in any organization 3 Marks
Q4. 1973 constitution of Pakistan 3 Marks
Q5. Four ways of cohesiveness 3 Marks
Q6. Function of Union council 5 Marks
Q7. Stages of team development 5 Marks
Q8. One question about motivation 5 Marks
Q9. Why communication is important in team work 5 Marks
Q10. Informal groups 5 Marks