CS101 Current FinalTerm Paper 22 August 2017

CS101 Current FinalTerm Paper 22 August 2017

CS101 Current FinalTerm Paper 22 August 2017

Q1:         Does JavaScript allow creating user defined functions? If yes then give at least one example of such function (3)
Q2:         A person wants to build a computer network in his home for a small business, enlist three basic components needed to build this network (3)
Q3:         HTML provides the facility of including different types of images in web pages. Write the general syntax of HTML for including gif or jpg images in a web page and then make this Image as a link (3)
Q4:         Write down any three key requirements of Desktop Publication? (3)
Q5:         There are three other Virus-Like Programs, Just write down their names (3)
Q6:         Suppose the database administrator of a bank wants to ensure error and conflict free data entry in the database. Explain how can he ensure such data integrity? (5)
Q7:         There is a complete system that is used for transmitting and receiving e-mails. You are required to name three main components of that system. Also mention the name of that particular component that is specifically used to send and receive email messages over a TCP/IP network. (5)
Q8:         Computing professionals are categorized in different teams with in an organization. What are the responsibilities of a team lead in an organization? (5)
Q9:         What is WWW? Explain logically unified and physically distributed aspect of www. (5)

Q10:       Write a JavaScript code that will check whether it is a weekend or working day using if-else statement. (5)

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