CS608 Midterm Current Paper 7 jun 2017

CS608 Midterm Current Paper 7 jun 2017

CS608 Midterm Current Paper 7 jun 2017
CS608 Current Midterm Paper

CS608 Current paper Time 7:30 Date 7-5-2017

Objective bohat easy tha , 1,5,7,8 Lessons​ sa zayada MCQS aya tha.

Q1What is Software Quality Assurance?
3 Marks
Q2: Describe three situations where a state transition black box test can be suitable implemented? 3 Marks
Q3: Assume that you are working as a member in Quality Enhancement cell. In your opinion what are the possible advantages that can be provided by Software Quality? Describe at least five. 5 Marks
Q4: Write down at least 5 steps of defining " Standard process Definition". 5 Marks
Q5: What are defect Quality measurements? Describe at least five. 5 Marks

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