Fall 2016 Final Term Examinations: Request for Rescheduling of Missed Papers not later than 09-Mar-2017

Published On:  Sunday, February 26, 2017

•    A student may request for re-scheduling of missed/unplanned paper(s) on payment of prescribed fee
•    Only missed/unplanned paper(s) can be rescheduled.
•    The re-schedule chance shall be provided one time only as per the given schedule.
•    The decision of the University about re-scheduling i.e. city/center/date/time shall be final.


•    A student may request for rescheduling of missed/unplanned paper(s) from Student Services on or before Thursday, March 09,2017 (No request will be considered after the specified date.)

Vulms-->Student Services-->Examinations Department--> Apply for Rescheduling of Papers
Once your request is duly processed, a confirmation email will be sent on your VU email from no-reply@vu.edu.pk,
               (University requires at least 24-48 hours for processing your request.)
•    Now, you must take a fresh print of your Exam Entrance slip from http://datesheet.vu.edu.pk
•    In case of any query regarding rescheduling, please email at rescheduling@vu.edu.pk
Please note that rescheduled paper(s) will be conducted on Sunday, March 12, 2017.Fee voucher(s) of prescribed fee shall be payable before the announcement of result.

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