Student Registration Guide for Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Exam
Microsoft Imagine Academy for Training
(University Name)
Note: Microsoft Office Specialist Certification for All University
Students, Staff and Faculty for FREE (Worth 96$)
Prior to student’s registering, Go to:; Click on Register and follow the prompts.
Step 1: The student’s name must be spelled accurately including capitalization. This field cannot be changed. When the certificate is printed the name will appear exactly as it was entered.
Step 2: Username: Use something that will be remembered easily. Be consistent with a naming convention: Example: first name last name month date of birth (loritroy0728) If the username has been previously used, you will be prompted to use something differed. This username will be entered in prior to take an exam. This field cannot be changed.
Step 3: Password: Use something that will be remembered easily. Passwords can be changed at a later date. Be consistent with a naming convention: Example your school name or your name. Each student can have the same password

Step 4: E-mail: This is a required field. If student does not have an e-mail address, have them create a free account with hotmail or use their parent’s e-mail or last resort they may use the teachers (not recommended). The e-mail is used after the student registers, receiving their welcome letter with their user name and password. It is also used to send a congratulation letter when they pass their certification.
Step 5: Student/Employee ID: This is not a required field from Certiport, however, it is a recommendation asked by your state.
Step 6: Have the student check the box “Allow Certiport to contact me via e-mail…..”
Step 7: Choose a Purpose: After clicking “Take an exam or prepare for an exam” students will be asked to register a program. Once they register for Microsoft, a screen for Microsoft registration will appear. Have the student select “use my Certiport profile data” upper left hand corner (click the grey box): and the information will populate the fields.
Note: Please register youself for Microsoft Office Specilist 2010/2013 (MOS) Certification.
Step 8: Microsoft non-disclosure agreement: Click the orange link, accept the agreement.
This will Register you in Certiport Portal for Certification.
Introduction by Higher Education Commission (HEC) about Microsoft Office Specilist.
For details please visit link below
Step 1:
Now Enroll your Self in Microsoft Imagine Academy organizational Portal by visiting the link below:
Step 2:
Login to Microsoft Account for Learning & Course Selection Guide:
Select your Microsoft Account to login to Portal, if you don’t have any Microsoft Account Create from link below
Now sign in using your Microsoft Account
It will direct you to profile page, fill all fields with correct information then click on “Save”.
Step 3:
Now, It will direct you to Course Content, where courses are defined by your Proctor/Administrator.
Click on My Courses this will direct you to Courses offer by your Institution/Organization.
Please Study course content before giving Microsoft Office Specialist Exam.