Semester: Fall 2016 | Assignment No. 01 Semester: Fall 2016 CS605: Software Engineering II | Total Marks: 10 |
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The objective of this assignment is to:
- Learn different Software Lifecycle Models
Question No. 1
Info-soft is a software house that develops and manages information systems for its clients. This software house has already developed a successful information system named as “Info ERP” which is implemented country wide. This software house has appointed you as a project manager, and given you the task to develop an upgraded version of “Info ERP” with different additional features in two months due to intense competition in market.
As a project manager what software lifecycle model you will choose for above scenario and why?
Question No. 2
A Government’s Information and military organization is developing a software system to control battalions of manned and unmanned vehicles for future combats. Different battalions may link together to form a battlefield network. However this project is associated with a lot of risks, if at any phase of project development the risks cannot be resolved then this project would be immediately terminated.
As a project manager what software lifecycle model you will choose for above scenario and why?