Assignment No. 1
Fall 2016
Due Date: 17th November 2016
Audio Introduction:
“Please prepare an audio introduction file through any available device. Preferably with the help of Sound recorder of the Windows”
General instructions
· Total time of audio introduction will be 5 minutes.
o Course name and code (30 sec) (Very Important)
o Your Introduction (2 minutes)
o Your academic Background (1 minute)
o Views about course (1 minute)
o Expectations about the course ( 30 sec)
· This assignment carries 5 marks.
· “Audio Introduction file” should be uploaded on LMS not later than 17th November 2016.
· DO NOT send the assignment thorough email. Assignments submitted through email will result in no marks.
Instructions for audio recording through Sound recorder of the windows
- Open Windows Search
- Write “Sound recorder” in the search bar and click enter
- Select the program “Sound recorder” Open it and start recording.
- Save the file and send it through the LMS.
This assignment will help you to develop presentation skills and strengthen you to present yourself in front of audience.