Alert Students : Prime Minister's National Laptop Scheme Phase -3

Announcement regarding Prime Minister's National Laptop Scheme Phase -3

                                                                                                                                             Published On:  Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Dear Students!

Please do not attempt to register yourself for Prime Minister’s National Laptop Scheme (PMNLS) Phase- III until or unless instructed by the University through an announcement on this notice board. Those who will register and make incorrect entries shall be responsible for their mistakes and eventually will suffer.
It is important to mention that due to non-adherence to instructions issued by the University during PMNLS (Phase–II) there were so many anomalies found in the students’ record and same caused unnecessary delay in compiling the merit lists of VU Students.  Ultimately everyone is suffering due to this delay.
Therefore, please wait for the instructions/ guidelines for registration in PMNLS Phase-III.

Note:-  Laptops will not be awarded on first come first served basis rather making a correct entry is most important otherwise one can even disqualify due to incorrect/ incomplete entry.

(VU Focal Person for PMNLS)

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