Graphical password or Graphical user authentication (GUA VIVA 27 Sept )

Today Viva Qs ... 27 September 2016
Me and My partner ( Combine Viva ) ( face to face ) ( Mam Neelam was there and other Sir )
Introduced yoursellf ( They will ask your name IDs etc etc )
Project sy connect kren then ( jis sy qs pocha jay sirf wohi jawab dy ) we said ok
1st Qs to my partner : Open Class diagram and explain it or purpose of Class diagram
2nd Qs to me : Class diagram mai members and functions kahan likhen hen
3rd Qs to Partner: What is varchar ( mention in Class digram so they asked about that )
4th Qs to Partner: Relationship between Classes in Class digram , Inhertence kia hoti hay ?
then Aggregation kia hoti hay ? Composition kia hoti hay ? Real life example of aggregation ?
5th Qs to Partner: What is your favrt Subject ? replied ( oop)
6th Qs to partner : What is friend fucntion ?
Then My turn
7th Qs to me : Detailed explanation of Class diagram and they asked some deep concept qs but easy
8th Qs to me: They asked me favrt subject I said oop , they said no other then oop
I said Mathematics :P
9th Qs to me: He asked me about discrete methamatics ( I describe about discrete methamatics )
10th qs to me: He said any other favrt subject like Cs601 , DLD etc
I said mmmmm...... Artifical Antelligence ( He said Ok )
11th qs to me : He asked me some qs from Artifical Intelliegence like
What is supervised and unsupervised ? ( I describe both of these terms ...
I got A+ in Artifical Intelliegence so I know the basic concepts very well :PSo is tra meri bachat hogai :D )
12th qs to me : Some other basic qs from Artifical Intelliegence ( don't remember but was easy )
13th qs to me : Ok Now Oop mai sy qs btao .. I said ok
14th qs to me : Difference b/w CLass and Object ? very easy I explain
15th qs to me : What is template ? I describe very well
16th qs to me : Template is abstract class or concrete ? also an easy one
17th qs to me : what is abstract class ? and general concept of Abstraction ? I describe the all in detail ( They looks satisfied )
18th qs to me : last qs was from Artifical Intelligence... what is classification and Clustering ( I describe in detail and also give an real life example :P )
19th qs to me : He said ok .. your viva is done ( I forgot some qs but they was from simple coding related and from Artifical Intelliegence etc etc )
I asked my viva remarks He said will upload in a week . I said ok Sir I possible plz upload soom ) bcz I have to apply for an Job
Then they Asked me about Job description etc etc .....
Alhamdulillah I answered All qs very well and correctly ) They were very Impressed and statisfied ....

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