MGT201 Current FinalTerm Paper 26 August 2016

MGT201 Current FinalTerm Paper 26 August 2016

Alhamdulillah I have Most easiest paper of MGT201 .....Thanks to " ALLAH Almighty"
Mcqs was easy and simple .. Mostly from theory ... 2 or 3 of Calculation ( simple )...
4 to 5 Mcqs was from given above Mcqs ..... 2 to 3 mcqs was from Past Papers ....
Subjective Part was very easy .......
Qs 1:- Define Real Asset and give example ? 3 Marks 

Qs 2:- Advantages of Small Current assets ? 3 Marks 

Qs 3:- Find the Present Value of stock .. Data was given just put the values in formula ? 3 Marks 

Qs 4:- Table was given .. with Expected return and Standard deviation Tell which is more risky ? 3 Marks

Qs 5:- a) Expected rate of return , Dividend and Market value was given find "g " in Part (b) Expected rate of return value was change and then calculate "g"? 5 Marks 

Qs 6:- A Table was given with Values of Portfolio 1 and for Portfolio 2 ... Calculate the Portfolio Rate of Return and comment which is best for investment ? 5 Marks

Qs 7:- In SML graph .. Stock that lie above the SML line are undervalued or overvalued explian and Investor will buy/Sale them or not ? 5 Marks 

Qs 8:- Company ABC wants to issue more Common Stock of Face Value Rs 10. Next Year the Dividend is expected to be Rs 3 per share assuming a Dividend Growth Rate of 10% pa. The Lawyer’s fee and Stock Brokers’ Commissions will cost Rs 1 per share. Investors are confident about Company ABC so the Common Share is floated at a Market Price of Rs 17 (i.e. Premium of Rs 6). Calculate the WACC ( expected return ) Using New Stock Issuance Approach? 5 Marks 

Qs:- 9 EBIT = 1000, Tax = 25% , Re= 20%, 100 % equit , Calculate the WACC using NI approach ? 5 Marks

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