CS609 Current FinalTerm Paper 26 August 2016
· IVT is table contains …………….byte entries each of which is a fast address of an interrupt service routine.
· …………….stores the base address for LPTI.
· DTE is ……………..
· BIOS supports …………. UARTS as COM Ports.
· The BIOS interrupt …………..can be used to configure real time clock.
· Clock status register…………… is main control register.
1) What is the usage of coprocessor control word while testing for coprocessor?
2) Is LSN = 0 and LBA = 0 same thing? Why or why not?
3) Suppose we read the contents of Drive Parameter Block and get the following information:
Number of reserved blocks = 2
Number of blocks in FAT = 7
Number of blocks in root directory = 32
Find the number of system area blocks, make appropriate assumption where needed.
4) In NTFS, where the backups of boot block are stored and why?
5) Write down the structure of data part of partitioning table.
6) Write down the procedure to convert a cluster number into sector number?
7) What are the steps of keyboard writing protocol?
8) Write down the meaning of following bits of descriptor:
Access right
9) What does it indicate if the value of first byte of data partition table is 80H?
10) What kind of information we can send to keyboard?
11) Write down the direct method for logical to physical add translation?