Final term Syllabus - Announcement (Spring 2016)

Final term Syllabus - Announcement (Spring 2016)

   Important Announcement

Dear Students,

It’s a matter of great pleasure to announce that the Pre-Midterm Lessons (1-18) in your  course would Not Be included in the Final term Exam for the ongoing spring semester 2016. Therefore please prepare lessons 19-45 in your final term examination.

This decision has been taken in large interest of the students to help them better prepare and score good in the final term exam.

It is not for all subjects as our Calculus and Analytical Geometry (MTH101) instructor told us that All lectures will be included but 15-20% paper will be covered by 1-18 Lectures and 80% from 19-45 Lecture.

It is important to check your lms announcement for better information .If you receive no any notification than please wait for it.

                       Best Wishes  

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