CS411 Current FinalTerm Paper 18 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |

CS411 Current FinalTerm Paper 18 February 2018 | FALL 2017 |



web server response formats

javascript and jquery code for hiding tag element

applicationcommands and navigationcommands

manipulation delta properties and when its raised

syntax of block

identify event processing system types

mostly from past papers and super easy.

1) Three difference between "Padding" and "Margins"

2) web server response formats

3) javascript and jquery code for hiding (P) tag element

4) applicationcommandsm and navigationcommands

5) Owner and ownerform in WPF forms

6) difference between Onway and Twoway data binding

7) Senerio given tha event create karna tha

My today (20-02-18) CS411 Visual Programming paper 

mcqs were not from past but subjective was mostly from past papers:

Three benefits of object data providers.

Ali wants to select and hide all <p> tags from html. Give syntax for this in javascript and jquery.
Write code to hide navigation in wpf.

Differentiate application and component commands
Close, Find, selectToEnd, MoveRight, Help

Modify the code so that all the text typed into textbox1 would appear in textbox2
<TextBox x:Name="textbox1" Text="">
<TextBox x:Name="textbox2" Text="">

When browser sends request to web server, in which format server sends back information to web browser? Give 4 examples.

Write xaml code for a list box with three items and then a text box as selected item text will show in textbox.

 CS411: Current Paper.

Q1: give any 3 icomands?

Q2: separate application and comonant commands: help close find selectToEnd moveright?

Q3: code diya tha iak line ka us k liye foreach loop lgaa kr data fetch krna tha?

Q4: differentiate one way & two way binding and give examples?

Q5: When we want to change design interface in worker thread we send request UI thread? How can we do this same in WPF ?

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